
I’ve commissioned or produced significant research on the public media system for both U.S. and overseas clients and partners working with leading firms including Edison, Audience Research Analysis (David Giovannoni), and RRC. The body of work includes three reports associated with each respective Localore production: Makers Quest 2.0 (2012), Localore (2014), and Finding America (2017).

The latest “Break Form” report is a comprehensive summary of the impact and detailed best practices gleaned from 15 Finding America production teams working over the course of a year. It includes extensive quantitative analysis of the multiplatform impact of the production, as well as a qualitative summary authored by Mallory Tenore who was hired to “investigate” the production and report out her findings. “Break Form” has been distributed to more than 10,000 mission-focused producers, station managers, funders, and journalists across the U.S. Hard copies are available upon request.